Flying Monkey Silhouette (Exotic Padauk Hardwood)
Inspired by the flying monkey from the Wizard of Oz but much more menacing with huge wings.
- The bright red background is a tropical exotic West African hardwood named: padauk.
- The monkey is made from maple hardwood.
- The frame is handcrafted out of premium basswood plywood painted black.
Absolutely gorgeous… the photo on this page has difficulty showing its full beauty.
- The frame is 11 inches measured between the longest points.
- The inner hexagon (inside the frame) is 8.75 inches measured from the longest points.
- The monkey itself is approximately 5.25 x 6 inches.
Includes hanging hardware. Will sit flush with your wall.
Padauk carries a very high cost because it is rare and difficult to harvest from jungle environments.
Will ship to USA (50 states)