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Sven Hedin the Last Great Explorer

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Title : Sven Hedin the Last Great Explorer 1987  
Author : Robert Sherard
Source : Windsor Magazine
Year Published : 1898
Page Count : 11
Image Count : 11
Word Count : 6108
File Size in MB : 6
File Type : PDF

"Of the achievements of Sven Hedin, the young Swedish traveller, but meagre accounts have reached the West; and, indeed, beyond Sweden itself — if we except Germany and Berlin — his name is practically unknown. Yet for pluck and perseverance, for triumph over obstacles and difficulties, for courage and a defiance of danger, even mortal, which springs from a high trust in God and a strong assurance in self, Dr. Hedin can take rank side by side with his fellowcountryman, Dr. Nansen ; whilst in accomplishment his travels have perhaps..."

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