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Bicycle Girl

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Clyde is a regular at his favorite hangout, the One Trick Pony, and everything is going well for him; he’s even dating the bartender.  And his personal life is good, too: good career, good friends, and good times almost every night of the week.  But then he runs into a new waitress at One Trick, a waitress named Carla with an awful personality but a super-fit body highlighted by muscular, powerful legs she developed riding a bicycle everywhere she goes.  For some mysterious reason he doesn’t understand himself, he’s attracted to Carla even though her physical strength and abrasive personality irritate him.  And intimidate him.  Maybe even frighten him.  One night, because of a nasty blizzard, his girlfriend asks him to give Carla a ride home and Clyde, reluctantly, is thrown together with Carla in conditions that will change his life forever.  As it turns out, Carla’s legs don’t just look strong; they really are strong.

Following on the success of his first full-length novel, “V,” James Butler is back with “Bicycle Girl,” a novella-length book of almost 18,000 words.  Like “V,” “Bicycle Girl” is adult femdom erotica intended for adults.

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