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A Person Of His Presence: Welcome God’s Presence Into Your Busy Life

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In Exodus, Moses understood that there is nothing on earth that can compare to having God's manifested presence in his life. When given the option to have an angel replace God's presence, he passionately asked the Lord to personally accompany His people through the wilderness on the way to the promised land. He wanted the Master more than His miracles.

Throughout history, men and women had to exercise their free-will to either ignore or invite God's presence into their lives. In our times, we seem to need the manifested presence of God more than ever. But how to go about inviting and welcoming God into our very busy lives?

How do we make sure that we don't relegate God to the bottom of our to-do lists? How do we position ourselves to become more receptive to His Holy Spirit's indwelling presence?

Join me as I explore with you the challenges and benefits of welcoming the presence of God into our scattered lives as we apply some of the ancient principles found in the Bible.

You too can become a person of His presence!

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