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Panel Carrier, short and long handles, metric

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Carrying man made sheet goods by yourself, or even large pieces of it, is always at best cumbersome, at worst difficult and potentially dangerous. Plywood, MDF, chipboard,... are all heavy and difficult to move around.

Best is to have some panel carrier handy.

Such panel carriers exist but they are not available everywhere, and they are quite expensive. Lose yours (who hasn’t “lost” a tool on a job site?!) and you’re out of a pretty penny, and a very useful tool indeed.

These 2 versions of panel carriers (one with a long handle, very useful to lift up the sheet off the ground when you have obstacles like stairs or uneven ground) are easy to make. It will take just a few hours of your time to make a couple of them, and only take bits of offcuts you probably have in your workshop. 

It is a very useful project even if you seldom carry sheet goods by yourself (even a large piece of 3/4 birch is difficult to move around without taking the risk of damaging it), and easy to make even if you are new to woodworking. 
Nice easy project to make with your kids in the workshop ;-)

This set includes 8 pages of detailed drawings and instructions, 12 pages with more than 50 pictures I made during my own build, and templates in both JPG and PDF for the handles, to print out.

All dimensions metric.
You will get the following files:
  • JPG (58KB)
  • PDF (103KB)
  • PDF (580KB)
  • PDF (8MB)
  • JPG (34KB)
  • PDF (38KB)