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Leaf to Life® Holistic Vitality Supplementation Plan DOWNLOAD

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Age remains the primary risk factor for almost all chronic medical conditions, including muscle weakness (sarcopenia, frailty), diabetes, heart diseases, lung diseases, eye diseases, dementia, depression, anxiety, cancers, bone/joint diseases, skin diseases, and the lack of vitality and energy. A loss of vitality or a sense of unwellness is the inability of the whole person to self-heal. Modern science has proven that to be well, it is far more effective and cost-saving in slowing down ageing compared to symptomatic treatment of common diseases such as high blood pressure, cholesterol, and diabetes. 

年齡仍然是幾乎所有慢性疾病的主要風險因素,這包括肌肉無力(肌肉減少症、虛弱)、糖尿病、心髒病、 肺病、眼病、癡呆症、抑鬱症、焦慮症、癌症、骨/關節疾病、皮膚病和 缺乏活力和能量。 失去活力或不適 感正是個人無法完成自愈的導因。 現代科學已經證明,通過養生延緩衰老,遠比高血壓、高血脂、糖尿病等常見病的對症治療來得更有效、 也更為省錢省事。 

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