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Magical Morning Guide

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Connect with your imagination, strengthen your intuition, and become closer to your inner self with Mermaid Intuition's free Magical Morning Guide!

This guide is a simple and straight forward morning practice that can be done by seasoned manifestors or those brand new to magick. 

You'll be given 6 questions to reflect upon and respond to before you immerse yourself in the energy of the day. These questions are simple, yet carefully chosen with the aim of invoking a high vibrational state of being.

★ How do I want to feel today?
★ How do I want to look today?
★ What do I want to accomplish today?
★ What do I want to do for fun today?
★ What am I trying to manifest today?
★ How was yesterday? 

Go inward when responding and be honest with your answers. They will vary daily, depending upon your mood, experiences, and various other factors.

Observe your growth, strengths, and weaknesses. Take note of any patterns you recognize.

As time passes, you'll begin to clearly see what small choices or changes can be made to better yourself and align the reality of your desires each day!

*Fill out with a PDF annotation app, or fill out printed printed copy. Digital download only!*

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