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End Time Events

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You are about to take a scriptural journey to the end of the age and learn how God reveals the sequence and time frame of end-time events. I challenge you to allow the Holy Spirit to bear witness with your spirit concerning this end-time revelation. I believe you will be enlightened as God's Word comes alive to you concerning the events that will transpire in God's timing to fulfill His Word. My purpose is not to set specific dates, but rather to bring to light what God's Word has already established concerning the timing of certain prophetic events. We will discover that all Scripture is truly given by inspiration of God. (2 Timothy 3:16.) There is a special reason for every Scripture recorded in the Bible. Many Scriptures have a double reference, revealing prophetic insight and details in progressive revelations. We will take a fresh look into the Old and New Testament Scriptures in a way that will bring you new insight. They will be referred to at times as scriptural composites, for they are word pictures revealing some events which have already been fulfilled and others that are about to be fulfilled. God's Word to Daniel was: "shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end..." (Daniel 12:4). We are the generation to which end-time revelation has come.

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