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Seasons & Elements Jewitch Chant Bundle Volume I (5 chants)

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Perfect for solo or group ritual, these Jewitch chants are designed to be organic, soulful, easy to learn — and with only vocals and some very simple percussion, accessible to all magickal practitioners and spiritual seekers — with no need for special musical training. 

Chants offer a way to lose oneself in primal rhythm and repetition, and they function as a vehicle for elevating consciousness, connecting with the Divine and encouraging meaningful changes — in short, another form of prayer.

While reflective of Judaism and the Jewitch movement specifically in nature, my Jewitch chants are offered openly and with love to anyone with whom they resonate. It’s ok with me for people of all faiths to enjoy these chants — provided they do so with appreciation rather than appropriation.

This Jewitch chant bundle includes: Passover Chant (Evil Pass Over My Door), New Moon Chant (Dark Lady Moon), Chanukah Chant (Spin Like a Dreidel), Earth Chant (Ima Erets) and Healing Chant (From the Many to the One).

Liner Notes

Passover Chant (Evil Pass Over My Door) © Roberta Pescow

Vocals & percussion: Roberta Pescow

By my words clear

Evil pass over my door

By my blood

Evil pass over my door

By the rivers of my tears

Evil pass over my door

By the earth beneath this flood

Evil pass over my door

By warm green earth

Power and joy I reclaim

By love’s flame

Power and joy I reclaim

By the waters of my birth

Power and joy I reclaim

By every holy name

Power and joy I reclaim

New Moon Chant © Roberta Pescow 

Vocals: Roberta Pescow

Dark lady moon, yahreah

Essence of Malkut, Shekhinah

These dark hours

Hide untold power

That sown tonight, come light will flower

That sown tonight, come light will flower

Oooh oooh bim bom baum

Pure potential stirs unbound

Dark moon, blessed womb

Your gifts to bloom in fertile ground

Understanding the Hebrew in the New Moon Chant:

Yahreah: Moon

Malkut: The lowest of the sefirot from mystic Judaism, associated with the moon and the divine feminine

Shekhinah: The divine feminine (literally the feminine face of God), often associated with the moon

Bim bom baum etc.: Meaningless sounds that function as a mantra, often used in traditional Jewish niguns (melodies with meaningless sounds that function as mantras to reach a transcendent state of consciousness).

Chanukah Chant (Spin Like a Dreidel) © Roberta Pescow

Vocals & percussion: Roberta Pescow

Dark days

Long nights

Cold winds

Weary of the endless fight

Dark Days  

Long nights

Stealth power

Call the magick, light the light and

Spin, like a dreidel

Dance, like a flame

Think you’re running empty but a spark

Of miracle remains

Beyond logic

Sweet as sufganiyot

Glistening in the sacred oil and weaving

Through the smoke

Understanding the Yiddish in the Chanukah Chant

Dreidel: A Yiddish word describing a spinning top with four Hebrew letters, traditionally played with on Chanukah.

Earth Chant (Ima Erets) © Roberta Pescow 

Vocals & Percussion: Roberta Pescow

Yai dai deee yai dai dee yai dai dee Ima, Ima

Erets, Adamah, good earth 4x

Ima, Erets — She holds firm beneath our feet through sun and rain

Ima, Erets — Yielding to the seeds that that nourish and sustain us

Ima, Erets — Belly pressed to her, she warms both flesh and bone 

Ima, Erets — Spinning through the countless stars, this sacred home

Understanding the Hebrew in the Earth Chant

Ima: Hebrew for mother

Erets: Hebrew for earth

Adamah: Another Hebrew word for ground or earth

Yai dai dee etc.: Meaningless sounds that function as a mantra, often used in traditional Jewish niguns (melodies with meaningless sounds that function as mantras to reach a transcendent state of consciousness).

Healing chant (From the Many to the One) © Roberta Pescow

Vocals & Percussion: Roberta Pescow

The inspiration for this chant comes from my dear friend and coven mate Andie Kantor, who asked if I could compose a chant for us to use for healing on three levels: the self, the community and the world/universe. I thought it would be fun to add three levels to each level for a three-by-three or “three squared” magnification of the effect. Thanks for the wonderful idea, Andie!

Now I call on the wind to the powers that be

Send your healing three by three

Send your healing three by three

To every corner of the need

Now I call by the earth to the powers that be

On the glowing hearth and the rolling sea

Send your healing three by three

With harm to none, so mote it be

Heal me

Body mind and spirit

Heal us

Family friends and neighbors

Heal all

Planet stars and universe

From the many to the one

So be it done

So be it done

Adondai, Shekhinah, Elohim, Echad

Infuse r'fuah sh’leimah

Infuse r'fuah sh’leimah

Through every space where pain embarks

Now I call on the wind and the flames so free

On the warm green earth and the rolling sea

Send your healing three by three

With harm to none, so mote it be

Heal me…

Understanding the Hebrew in the Healing Chant

Adonai: Divine masculine (literal translation: Lord)

Shekhinah: Divine feminine (the feminine face of God)

Elohim: Divine plural

Echad: Divine singular (literally the number one)

R'fuah sh’leimah: Complete healing

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