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Lovely Meditations & Chakra Healing

I believe meditation and chakra healing is essential to anyone that is on their spiritual journey. This part of the spiritual experience is talked about a lot in theory, but rarely done in practice. Meditation is vital in connecting with the divine. It is a moment in time where you are truly present in the now & able to truly connect with the divine for guidance, strength and answers to life’s questions. This is also a great way to align your chakras. Chakras are spinning wheels of energy throughput the body that garner different areas of our bodies and our lives. We have seven main energy centers in the body, which are: The Root Chakra (found at the base of the spine) The Sacral Chakra (found at the very bottom abdomen or womb area) The Solar Plexus Chakra (found at the navel) The Heart Chakra (found at the center of the chest) The Throat Chakra (found at the center of the neck and throat area) The Third Eye Chakra (found between the eyebrows) and The Crown Chakra (found at the center of the top of the head) Aligning the chakras help you to ascend to your next level. In these sessions I guide you through meditation and show you how to breathe properly as well as how to pay attention to each chakra as they open up. This video call is life changing and will help anyone trying to heal from past trauma and emotional scars.

Choose a pricing plan

20 minute session

This session consists of a quick one tarot card pull of which chakras need to be balanced and then 15 minutes of meditation, breath work & chakra affirmations according to the chakras that need healing. 

45 minute session

This session includes a three tarot card pull for what chakras need to be balanced & then 30 minutes of meditation, breath work and chakra meditations according to which chakras need to be balanced.

1 hour 15 min session

This session includes a 5 tarot card pull for the chakras that need to be balanced then 45 minutes of breath work, meditation and chakra affirmations according to which chakras that need to be balanced.