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Ayurveda 1 - AY 100

A preliminary introduction to the ancient art of Ayurveda.

Ayurvedic Arts Series

This course is a part of our Ayurvedic arts series. It is recommended to take the courses in order.

  • Ayurveda - AY 100
  • Ayurveda - AY 200

Course Summary: Ayurveda 1

Duration: 10 weeks, one session per week

Commencing Spring 2024

Course Description:

This course will begin with an introduction to Ayurveda. It explores the basic principles of Ayurvedic - definition, the concept of health, and its unique features and aims.

Course Curriculum:

Lesson 1

  • Basic Principles of Ayurveda
  • Definition
  • Concept of Health according to Ayurveda
  • Unique Feature
  • Aim of Ayurveda

Lesson 2

  • History of Ayurveda

Lesson 3

  • Eight Branches of Ayurveda

Lesson 4

  • Philosophy of Ayurveda

Lesson 5

  • Pancha Mahabhuta Concept
  • Tridosha Concept (Vata, Pitta, Kapha)

Lesson 6

  • Concept of Sapta Dhatu (Body Elements)

Lesson 7

  • Concept of Mala (Waste Products)

Lesson 8

  • Concept of Srotas (Body Channels)

Lesson 9

  • Concept of Agni (Digestive Fire)

Lesson 10

  • Concept of Koshta (Alimentary Tract)
  • Concept of Ama (metabolic toxins)

Grading Structure:

No Attendance

25% Lesson Assessments

75% Final Comprehensive Exam (Online 48-hour turnaround, multiple choice)

Take Ayurveda 1 - AY 100

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