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Hidden Secrets of Perfect Abs

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Congratulations!  You've just taken the first step.  No doubt you've given it some doubt before jumping in to make your decision.  And no doubt, you still have a few more decisions to make before you finally you start your quest for the elusive . . . super perfect abs!

 You might have bought this book as a challenge.  More of a challenge to me than yourself.  You might be reading this book so you can prove to me . . . and to others who are nearby . . . that you can't get flat abs.

 And once you've proven that you'll be satisfied to go back to your couch . . . your cola . . . and your cookies.

 Well, let me save you some time.  If that's what the plan is, don't even bother to read any longer. Because that's exactly what's going to happen.

 You're going to fail miserably . . . and improving the shape of those abdominal muscles.  But you'll succeed beyond your wildest imagination at actually failing in your endeavor.  You'll fail at developing abs so well . . . that we may have to put you on our wall of "the unprepared."

 And don't worry.  You won't be the only person there.  You'll have plenty of company.

 But your portrait on my wall of "the unprepared" has absolutely nothing to do with the quality of the book you're reading or the contents of it.  And it has even less to do with how many pounds you feel you need to lose.

 It has far more to do with your readiness to actually acquire those super perfect abs.  All your portrait on that wall tells me is that you started your quest for reasons that were not your own.  You're not quite ready to review the reasons you may have for wanting that set of abs.

 Oh sure, you say you do, but deep down you're content -- maybe not happy, but the content and safe -- with the body you currently see in the mirror.

 Are You Ready To Rumble?

Here'sjust a taste of what you'll discover...

  1. A complete guide to getting the six-pack you've been dreaming of.
  2. The 5 things you need to know about developing a flat abs.
  3. When and when not to train your muscles.
  4. How to improve your metabolism
  5. The importance of knowing the best exercises
  6. How to work out your abs safely!
  7. The 6 surefire ways to prepare your mind and body for the changes ahead.
  8. An entire chapter devoted to determining the best physical trainer for yourself.
  9. Why many dieters don't succeed even if they try so hard to melt fat away from their bodies
  10. A complete guide to safely transforming your physique from flabby to fit.
  11. Which trainers to work with and which ones to avoid
  12. Why the wrong type of physical training can harm your body (for real!)
  13. How to prevent damage to your muscles while training.

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