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Become a Regional Associate ®️

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Become a Regional Associate
A. I would like to know more about what you desire to do with HairBraiders?
B. I was thinking more like a one-to-one training?
C. Maybe a HairBraiders school?
Either way, I can get you a larger window decal and sell you 10 certificates at a time for $1,000.00. 
That is $100 each.
1.) Once you have your names, emails, and addresses send them to me.
2.) I will cover printing, community mapping, website post, and package shipping. 
3.) They can be one by one or altogether whenever you have the classwork done.
4.) After, your ten(10) additional certificates will be 50% off the original price at that time.
Let me know. I look forward to working with you  ️Thanks.
P.S. I ONLY have 10 regions in the USA.
 Region 1: Boston
 Region 2: New York (Washanta Meredith-Walker)
 Region 3: Philadelphia
 Region 4: Atlanta
 Region 5: Chicago
 Region 6: Dallas
 Region 7: Kansas City
 Region 8: Denver
 Region 9: San Francisco (Ericka Chancellor)
 Region 10: Seattle
Denise Jarrett 

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