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Email Templates for Selling Healthcare Staffing Services - Staffing Services Pitch Template

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If you don't have a lot of time to spend writing emails or don't know what to say to sell your staffing services to healthcare facilities, but this template. 

Do you sell healthcare staffing services? You're in the right place.

This download comes with 10 email templates verified to work to attract your target audience and get phone calls booked to sell services.

Use these templates to sell to:

Clinics and medical offices
Nursing homes
Mental health and addiction treatment centers
Birth centers
Trauma centers
Hospice care facilities
Dialysis facilities
Imaging and radiology centers
Outpatient Centers

Keywords:  healthcare staffing services email templates, sell staffing services, email template for staffing agency, recruitment pitch to client examples, recruitment proposal email to client, recruitment on hold email template, recruitment templates, candidate submission template, best recruiting emails, sample email to recruitment agency, healthcare staffing templates, email templates to sell b2b
You will get the following files:
  • PDF (2MB)
  • DOCX (3MB)

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