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Seiðr - the Viking Wandcarrier

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You'll need:

  • latest VCC ! SDK 3.5.1!
  • Poiyomi Toon 8.1.167 (INCLUDED)
  • VRCFury (NOT INCLUDED!) >>Link!<<
  • Stealthy Probing Structure (NOT included) >>Link!<<
  • Avatar package (last to import)


  • dissolve toggles top, belt, skirt, antlers veil on top, antlers veil long, head veil, head chains, blindfold, earrings, body piercings, claws, necklace, antlers, pantis, Vegvisir on the back, Vegvisir fans, dagger, wand
  • simple toggles for human/elf ears, bracelets, anklets, chokers, lashes, fangs, Vegvisir on back size toggle
  • smooth decal toggles: human/grey skin, hair: black, coloured and white, sclera white to black
  • Combined toggles: headpiece (head chains, head veil, blindfold), clothing (top, skirt, belt), Frost Giant ( hair to white, skin to grey, sclera to black)
  • radials: hair hue, overall hue, individual left and right eye hue, realistic skin normal radial, buffness radial
  • Particles: flames on the fans, actual light on the wand, blood drips on the dagger
  • Fans: folded in like torches or folded open like fans
  • audiolinked and voice activated emissions
  • ScarlettKat's Stealthy Probing Structure
  • Post Processing! Adjust your avatar brightness for each world!
  • WetCats Locomotion fix

  • 6 different facial gestures
  • 5 versions: all particles/light, reduced particles/no light/no Stealthy Probin Structure, no particles/no ding, Dancer: all particles/no light/no ding , optimized
  • comes with scene and prefabs

Opti Toggles


- DO NOT claim as yours

- DO NOT make it public or ripp, leak or share it in any way!!!

- DO NOT resell

- DO NOT pricesplit

- DO NOT take parts of my scratch stuff!!!

- DO NOT take other parts without buying the original from the creators themselves! Shoplinks are in the credits!

YOU CAN NOT use my scratch assets from this avatar for any purposes!

I am NOT responsible for you uploading NIGHTLY content!

All my avatars are for private use only!


Hair, all clothing (chainmail top, long skirt, chain belt, veil on antlers, long chained veils on antlers, head veil, head chains, blindfold, panties), Vegvisir fans and back piece, all jewelry (bracelets, anklets, chokers, necklace, body piercings, earrings, nipple piercings), claws, antlers, garters, dagger, wand and all the textures to it are made from scratch by me in Blender and Substance Painter.

Do not reuse any of the assets above!

You are not allowed to reuse my selfmade body and face texture! This includes the realistic skin texture! It was made by me in Substance Painter and I have commercial rights on everything I used.

Eye texture are custom drawn by Danselmori on DeviantArt.

Head, Hair textures: ZinPia's Savi head (edited, DO NOT REUSE!), Alpha Hair Pack

Base: Rhoda's M_410 (edited, DO NOT REUSE!)

The Ding: Scarlett's Hotdog

simple Blink: Cam, Blink

Particles: Zepwlert Full Body Smoke

Locomotion fix and animations: WetCat#6969, AlcTrap/ Alc#0002, Dj Lukis.LT#4639, INYO#9404 and Gireison#0001

Controller Editor: Dreadrith

SPECIAL THANKS to blurryvision for making the small light on the wand and for being a very patient teacher! <3 Visit their shop here!

Pics were taken by BlazeyTaco and Libra! I drool!

If you have any questions, just hit me up on Discord! <3

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Omg, I'm blushing... >>here is my tip jar!<<


Seiðr practitioners were of both genders, although females are more widely attested, with such sorceresses being variously known as vǫlur, seiðkonur and vísendakona. There were also accounts of male practitioners, known as seiðmenn, but in practising magic they brought a social taboo, known as ergi, on to themselves, and were sometimes persecuted as a result. In many cases these magical practitioners would have had assistants to aid them in their rituals.

The word Völva actually simply means “woman with a staff”. The staff was also called völr . It was a symbol of power; in the case of the Völva, it symbolizes power over the supernatural. 

The royal cepter and wand are remnants of the same symbolism. The Old West Norse word gandr , in modern spelling gandur , means both “staff” and “sorcery” in Faroese and Icelandic . 

It may also be a phallic symbol , as there are various reports of women performing phallic rites. 

(Source) (Source)

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