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Cancer happens when abnormal tissue cells imitate uncontrollably. Cancer can develop anyplace in the body, and the symptoms and treatment depend on the type of cancer and its location. There are different types of cancer that can affect the female reproductive organs, including vulvar cancer.

Vulvar cancer is a cancer of the vulva, or a female's external genitals. The vulva incorporates the internal and outer lips of the vagina, the clitoris, and the opening of the vagina, which is known as the introitus. Organs near the vaginal opening are likewise part of the vulva. Vulvar cancer typically affects the outer lips of the vagina, but other parts of the vulva may likewise be affected, particularly as the cancer extends.

This type of cancer as a rule develops slowly. It often starts as vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia, which happens when healthy skin cells around the vulva experience abnormal changes. Without treatment, the abnormal cells can turn into cancer.

In its early stages, vulvar cancer may not cause any symptoms. At the point when symptoms do happen, they can include:

abnormal bleeding

itching in the vulvar territory

a stained patch of skin

pain with urination

pain and tenderness in the vulvar territory

a knot or wart-like injuries on the vulva

Summon your doctor right if you're having symptoms of vulvar cancer. Early detection and treatment may help prevent the cancer from advancing and winding up further developed.
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