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Frequency Dictionary of Spanish

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Why learn Spanish? So you can order a sangria and paella from your local tapas bar? Well if you live in the United States or England then businesses are required by law to be able to serve their customers in the national language, so no problem there. So you can order a sangria and paella from a tapas bar in Mexico say? Again no dice, latin america's tourism industry forms a key part of its economy and restauranteurs as well as bar owners usually require their service staff to be at least conversant in English. So why then? Well let's say you're on youtube and your listening to a VERY obscure song in spanish that doesn't come with subtitles. (it would have to be some kind of grainy footage of a live performance that's too low of a resolution for the auto-subtitle system to work.) For these moments and a few other, very occasional times in your life you're going to need to spend at least 100 hours of your time learning conversational Spanish. 4996 cards from the Frequency Dictionary of Spanish.
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