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Personal Boundary Setting made Easy

Create, implement and sustain boundaries with self-awareness so that you maintain healthy relationships with others

Do you set healthy boundaries or are you handing out permission slips to everyone to walk all over you?

If you were to be completely honest with yourself, you’ve known for some time now that your boundaries or lack of them is playing havoc with your work, life and is having a negative impact on your health because you don’t have time for essential self-care.


Even when you do take time out for yourself, you feel guilty.


You’re a kind-hearted and caring person who says yes when you really want to say no.


Your inability to maintain required boundaries means you are experiencing stress, frustration & heading for burnout because your present boundaries are either non-existent or too fluid.

I completely get you. Here's why

There’s a big difference between being kind and helpful and being seen as a doormat. No self-respecting person wants to have their helpful nature be taken for granted.

Hi, I'm Vatsala Shukla and in this micro-course, I’ve shared my own and the stories of others who had to learn the tough lesson of establishing firm and healthy boundaries or face the much worse consequences to their jobs and emotional health.

If we could do it, so can you. I want you to have more self-faith and confidence in setting and maintaining healthy boundaries based on self-awareness.  Here's how.

Personal Boundary Setting made Easy

Using the emotional intelligence skill of Self-Awareness is the key to setting effective boundaries.

For any one accustomed to being compliant and accommodating, the process of implementing boundaries may feel unnatural at first, or downright awful.

However, as you stand up for your boundaries and yourself, you will feel increased confidence and empowerment.

Saying no will become second nature, as practice makes perfect. You will respect and like yourself, and others will be attracted to your authenticity and self-confidence. 

Woman thinking about the benefits of this boundary setting micro course

When you complete this micro course, you will

  • Understand the real impact of not establishing boundaries
  • Why it’s not selfish to establish healthy boundaries
  • How to stop feeling guilty for wanting more time for self-care
  • Use the Personal Boundary Continuum to identify boundaries requiring corrective action
  • Apply the skill of self-awareness in creating or upgrading boundaries
  • Create a boundary statement reflecting the real you, your wants, needs and have tools to reinforce boundaries
  • Communicate your boundaries in the workplace with confidence
  • Use the power of No – 20 ways actually!

To make sure you get the most out of your time this micro-course consists of short lessons with worksheets, exercises and tipsheets covering areas where you will potentially need support until the habit of maintaining healthy boundaries becomes second nature to you. 

You'll also get a Certificate of Completion when you take action!

Ready to master the art of setting boundaries?

Especially if it means healthier personal and professional relationships?

Setting Personal Boundaries made Easy


Course curriculum