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Dr Syl's Therapy Skills

A comprehensive five part course for people experiencing (or at risk of) depression and anxiety symptoms. It is based on principles from multiple different therapy styles including Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Interpersonal Therapy, and Family Therapy.

Reduce Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression

Proven Benefits of Online Therapy: Research shows that online therapy courses, like this one, effectively reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety.

Advantages of Online Therapy Skills Course

  • Cost-Effective: More affordable than traditional therapy.
  • 24/7 Accessibility: Access the course anytime, anywhere.
  • Flexible Learning: Control your learning pace by repeating or skipping sections as needed.

Comprehensive Curriculum

This course covers:

  1. Feelings (45-60 min): Understand and manage your emotions.
  2. Thoughts (45-60 min): Identify and challenge your thought patterns.
  3. Cognitive Distortions (45-60 min): Recognize and correct negative thinking habits.
  4. De-stress & Relaxation (45-60 min): Learn techniques to reduce stress and enhance relaxation.
  5. Relationships (45-60 min): Improve your interpersonal skills and relationships.

Interactive Workbook: Complete exercises and homework to reinforce learning.

Symptom Monitoring: Track your progress

Who am I?

Dr Sylvain Meslin ('Dr Syl') is a medical doctor and award winning educator from Australia on the training program to become a psychiatrist. He works in both in-patient and out-patient settings and is involved in the treatment of people suffering a range of mental illnesses including depression, anxiety, psychosis, ADHD, OCD and more. In his free time, Dr Syl runs a successful YouTube channel and makes mental health educational content.

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