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Weak - AM Project File

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Alight Motion version 4.2+ (Android)

Project Resolution: 720p, Frame Rate: 60fps, Aspect Ratio: 1:1


Intro, Shakes, Transitions, Effects, Overlay, Color Correction (Total 70.9 MB)

  • A large package, so Alight link & QR code is for AM members only.
  • After purchasing the preset, please do not share this with anyone who has not paid for the preset. Please do not replace the clips on the preset. You can take my shakes, transitions, effects, overlays, color correction, etc. But please do not distribute them to anyone. Give credits if you use them! (ex. shakes by meikoto)
  • After downloading the PDF File, Open it and you can see Alight link, QR code, and a Google Drive link which contains XML link.
You will get a PDF (139KB) file