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Growing Beyond the Basics: Level Up Your Garden with Advanced Soil Health Techniques Workshop

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Growing Beyond the Basics: Level Up Your Garden

with Advanced Soil Health Techniques

REPLAY Available Immediately

Welcome to the ultimate online workshop that will take your soil health and growing game to the next level!


If you've been looking to create a bountiful and thriving veggie garden, then this is the workshop for you.


Building on the principles covered in our introductory webinar (don’t worry if you didn’t attend there's a replay), we'll dive deeper into the world of soil health and teach you how to create the perfect growing conditions for a fruitful harvest.

Bring on 2024 - We'll be ready for you!


Our expert instructor John Metcalf, will guide you through a series of hands-on exercises that will teach you how to unlock the full potential of your soil.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to transform your garden and experience abundant growth like never before!

Pay What You Can

(Suggested donation amount £10)

Both PFFA and John Metcalf believe in access for all, so please pay what you think is fair.

You will receive immediate access to the replay and all relevant slides including recipes for compost etc.

Watch as many times as you like at a time that is convenient for you.

You will get the following files:
  • MP4 (243MB)
  • PDF (11MB)
  • PDF (323KB)
  • PDF (373KB)