Beat the rising energy prices
Many people in the UK and worldwide are worried about rising energy costs.
In my guide I detail three things to help you.
- 15 Ninja methods to cut your home gas and electricity bills.
- 10 ninja methods to cut your petrol and diesel bill- you'll see why it's important to fill up at night or early morning- just take someone with you. I don't want you getting mugged!
- 4 ninja methods to avoid the Christmas debt trap which causes no end of poverty in the UK.
Joe Public faces a quadruple whammy this winter over fuel prices for several reasons.
- According to a video on YouTube Martin Lewis from Money Saving Expert has said that gas prices may rise by up to 77%.
- The government has cut the £200-300 winter fuel allowance for pensioners.
- The energy price caps have been raised.
- There is a possibility of no winter cost of living allowance payments this winter like there have been previously.
Please don't worry.I am here to help Here I have lots of ninja energy saving measures to help you knock The Living Daylights out of the rising fuel prices. They are either low cost or no cost. In response to a free video I put out on facebook one lady saved £3 per day on her fuel bills. That may not sound like a lot but between the winter period of 1st September and 31st January that's 153 days. £3 per day over 153 days is £459. I want you all to save at least that over winter.
Before lockdown in July 2020 my energy supplier set my dual fuel 12 month dual fuel monthly budget plan at £161.45 per month. I implemented loads of ninja energy saving measures and in November 2021 I was so heavily in credit they cut it to £68 per month. Then my supplier ceased trading. They moved me to British Gas who set my payment at £166.93 per month inheriting the huge cred. By February 2022 I was £417.04 in credit. In April 2022 I moved supplier and by September 2022 I was some £750 in credit I got a refund and they halved my payments. It's now 2024 and I am now £364.38 in credit.
So please get a copy.
Why are you charging for this?
So you may be asking why am I charging for this? Why am I not giving it away for free? The answer is simple. Those people who pay for it are much more likely to implement what is taught. Those who get it for free are highly unlikely to implement this information. £7 is nothing compared to the stress you'll avoid by protecting yourself from the Christmas debt trap.
The long-term goal is not to make money out of this. The short-term goal is to end heat or eat so people can afford to do both- another £93 per month makes a big difference for people.
The long term goal is to fund the following.
- A safe house in every town and city in the UK for victims of domestic abuse. I’ll give Refuge -https://www.refuge.org.uk/ – the domestic abuse charity the money.
- A similar place like Centrepoint -https://centrepoint.org.uk/- in every town and city in the UK.
- To fund the Langar bill of every Sikh temple in the UK. Langar is a free gift of food given by God to the community. It’s commonly taken up by the homeless.
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I know what you are asking. Won't the energy companies be upset that you'll be saving people money on their bills? Far from it! It'll save them the huge cost of building more power stations. The UK has 8 nuclear power stations supplying 16% of the UK's electricity. So to provide the remaining 84% they'd have to build another 42 at a cost of £20 billion each taking 5 years for each one. A total cost of £840 billion. The UK governmnent's income is around £1000 billion a year. Do you really want the chancellor to double your taxes?
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Now these case studies are very exciting. We’re sharing them because it’s important for people to realise that others have actually accomplished the programme that I created and to see it is possible.it seems today that everybody is trying to sell you something and make ridiculous claims that you can just press a few buttons and still make money. That is not how it works. These specific people worked very hard and were dedicated. Yes they followed the programme but it’s not 100% of WHY they succeeded. We do our best to ensure that everybody has a shot of making it but the truth is that like anything else in life there is a lot more involved than a step by step programme. These people are special in that they reached their goals but that doesn’t mean you will. We do our best to give you every asset we can to help you reach them but only you are responsible for your success which the programme or fail. We could just put “results not typical” here in really small text but we think it’s our job to make you understand that you reach your goals you will have to work hard, learn a lot and execute. We’re here to help and look forward to working with you.