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Summary of the book (Food Wars.. Making the Crisis)

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Is there a food crisis and is the food produced not enough to satisfy the hunger of 7 billion people? Why are more than one billion and a hundred million people suffering from hunger and malnutrition today, when the world is producing enough food to feed the entire population of the planet, so what is the problem? Why do the food mafia and the policies of the big countries prevent developing countries from their right to food independence?
You will find the answers to the previous questions in the Summary of the book (Food Wars.. Making the Crisis)
Author : Walden Bello

About the book:
Today, more than one billion and a hundred million people suffer from hunger and malnutrition, but this is happening at a time when the world is producing enough food to feed the entire population of the planet.
This book discusses the issue of food security and its dimensions related to modern agricultural technology, as well as the actors in the hunger industry based on its most severe, as well as the struggle of states and peoples to obtain their right to food and their struggle with the ambitions of the food mafia and the policies of major international institutions.

To whom is this book:
For those interested in economics.
For those wishing to learn about the famine crisis.
For those who want to know the policies of large companies
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