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Citizen's Look

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The new child has life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. This new citizen could be the next president. With loving parents nothing can go wrong.

Now here is the problem, Mary's baby was born with drugs in the little baby's system, and had a cranial skull and other big problems. The child stays in the hospital for six weeks.

The new baby comes home to a dirty drug house. Mary the new mother has nothing ready and no food for the baby.

The child is about four months old and severely malnourished; Mary's parents drop over to see the child. They bring over
some food and some baby clothes.

The parent's Mary's mother is very upset looking at the house so dirty and strange people are coming in for the party. Mary's mother is crying asks her husband to take her home and she is getting sick. They leave.

One of the Government drug guys, tells Mary do not get upset we will take care of you. Your parents mean well but they are old timers. They do not know how to handle this situation.

The other two men tell them you can trust us. We are experts and the state Government knows what we are doing, and they trained us,

One of the men gave Mary a can of beer; the other guy gives Mary a marijuana fix. They say let's get our Friday night house party going. Forget all of your trouble's we have the magic smoke.

The Friday night party end's Monday afternoon. The police respond to a loud music call. The police open the front door and are hit with that smell that terrible smell.

The police walk in to see six people lying all over the place, Mary is sitting in a corner naked no clothes on sitting in her own waste. She is trying to count her toes.

Mary's mind is completely gone. The police go up to check the rest of the home and in the bath room the baby is floating on top of the water dead. Dead for three day's, because Mary forgot she had a baby.

In large cities this happens all the time they are not in the news paper. It is a not a big story, but family's are all broken up baby's are killed or born with drug's in their little body's

Mary's and John's families are devastated, their treasures our gone forever. Hundred's of years of saving family pictures and prize possessions all in the garbage can. Why? Drugs.
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