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Trout on Colorado State Land: A Fly Fisher's Guide

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Trout on Colorado State Land: A Fly Fisher's Guide by Al Marlowe and Karen Christopherson - an ebook in pdf format as download.Colorado offers many opportunities to fish for trout. A large number of these opportunities are on land owned or managed by the Colorado Division of Parks and Wildlife. More than 150 units of state land are described in the ebook, some well-known and others much lesser known. You can be assured that this ebook will inform you of some new state fishing properties to try!

Each state property is described in detail. Information includes location, acreage or stream distance, trout species, facilities, travel directions, fees, and regulations. Articles on fishing give information on some state properties and hatches. Maps of each unit listed are in color and show unit boundaries and topography. Hatch charts list the major hatches, species and season. Navigation in the ebook uses links to access stories, units, maps, hatch charts, and descriptions.

The ebook is easily navigated in pdf format- 378 pages. Published in March 2006; revised 2012, 2015, 2018. Maps and photos in color. The ebook format allows you to print the pages you want on 8.5 by 11 sheets.

Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader 8 or higher, which is free. Can also be read on Adobe Digital Editions.

HOW IT WORKS; Order the ebook. As soon as your order is approved, you will get a link for download (about 60 MB). This process will take a few hours or less. 

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