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Noah was a 12 year old rebellious kid,he was the first born, he rebelled at school, at home and everywhere else. He was disrespectful to adults in general. He was mean to his siblings and animals as well. He would talk down to his loved ones and would destroy the cat toys so it couldn't play with anything. He was just downright mean. He was upset that he wasn't the only child. He wanted his parents to himself, so he treated everyone that loved him mean because he wanted things his way all the time… he had a serious problem, and counseling or nothing seemed to help. To make matters worst Noah enjoyed killing insects for no reason, just because he could. He didn't care about them and he seen them as inferior nuisances. So he would just kill any bug he came in contact with, he had a heart filled with hatred… until one day he got stung… not by an ordinary bug though, he couldn't make this bug out he had never seen anything like it.. it was like a cross between a beetle with beautiful coloration and a bee. All he knew was he wanted to kill it for even having the audacity to sting him. But that night he began to change, the next morning when he woke up he had turned into a bug! He was a mixture of all the bugs he had killed! It was the spirit bug Merna that stung him! She would change lost hate filled children like him into insects so they can see things from the eyes of the lesser species and learn a lesson. Noah had been insectified! In order for him to presume his human body again he would have to learn a valuable lesson!
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Customer Reviews

Reggie W.

2 years ago

Good lesson

It was decent but more so for someone who has either a rebellious kid that needs to learn a lesson or that just like books with lessons to be learnt at the end