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Guide Affiliate Marketing Secrets

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Table of Contents 

Chapter 1: Affiliate Marketing – Definition and Overview 

Chapter 2: Advantages and Benefits of Affiliate Marketing  

Chapter 3: How Does Affiliate Marketing Work? 

Chapter 4: Getting Started With Affiliate Marketing 

Chapter 5: How to Find an Affiliate Program? 

Chapter 6: Promoting Products through Affiliate Program 

Chapter 7: How to Make a Successful Affiliate Website? 


Affiliate marketing is a way of making money online. It’s really a simple concept. When you are an affiliate marketer, you promote a product, service, or site for a business, and you as a publisher get rewarded for doing so. You usually find products related to your niche and offer them on your website or blog. You promote the products and post a link on your site where they can purchase the products. Then, when someone follows that link to buy something, you earn a commission. The commissions can be either a percentage of the sale or a fixed amount. You’ve seen links to other sites when you’ve read other people’s blogs. These links make the blogger money.

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