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Quitting Ultra Processed Foods

Take this short educational course to learn simple and practical steps on how you can reduce the amount of ultra processed foods you and your family are eating

Are you trying to reduce UPFs in your diet?

According to latest research around 60% of the foods we consume in the UK are ultra processed......that's the highest in Europe!

Ultra processed foods contain man made chemicals that might actually be damaging to our health BUT there is another way and this course can show you!

With this video led course you'll learn what counts as an UPF, where they are lurking, which products to opt for instead and lots more!

It is a simple to follow and easy to implement self guided program. Simply listen to the videos to understand the latest research and use the handy downloads to help you with new family crowd pleasing recipes and the simple swaps master guide!

There is also a Facebook community group to help you every step of your journey whether you are just cutting back or trying to really quit UPFs

I understand UPFs and how they make life a lot easier. I'm all for making foods quick and tasty but these ultra processed ingredients are concerning and I wanted to do something to change that without making your life harder.

So, I have done all the hard work for you. I've done the research and I've found all the alternative non UPF products to make your life much easier and it's all contained within this short course.

I’m a registered Nutritional Therapist with almost 10 years’ experience of helping people just like you and me. This course uses the latest research and the recipes provided are nutritious, easy to cook and balanced and don't include any UPFs!


Once purchased you can start it whenever you are ready. You’ll have ongoing access to the content and access to the private Facebook Community page.

Simply listen to the educational videos and download the handouts and recipes to your phone, computer or print it out!

Who is this course for?

This course is for men and women who are looking to improve their health (and family's health) by reducing or cutting out ultra processed foods

Who SHOULD NOT do this course?

Anyone who is underweight, has an active or a history of disordered eating should not sign up to this course. 

If you are concerned about making changes to your diet or are worried about your health then please see your GP. 

Contact and we can discuss if this course is suitable for you.

Sign up now!

Quitting UPF course
