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The YouTube Traffic Takeover Workshop

How To Sell More Products, Get More Subscribers, And Get All The Traffic You Need To Any Website You Want Using YouTube!

See below what's included in the 5-day course plus the incredible bonus!

Day 1: Getting started with YouTube

Before you can begin to get traffic from YouTube you need to understand exactly how it works and exactly what it takes to get traffic from it. It's not ALL about branding, great looking videos, etc. There's so much too it, and you need to see it all from a "birds eye" view before you even get started.

By the time you get done with today you'll know how YouTube works to get you traffic and have a complete battle-plan to get all the traffic you can from YouTube.

Day 2: YouTube Channel Creation

So first things first… We've got to create the perfect YouTube channel optimized and branded for the audience we want, and that's exactly what we will be doing today.

I'll show you how to get your channel designed so that it looks good and makes people feel like they've found a "binge worthy" channel right off the bat!

This is the foundation of EVERYTHING moving forward, and we need to make sure you've got a super strong foundation!

After today you'll have your very own YouTube Channel and be ready to start loading it with traffic sucking videos to fuel all of your traffic needs.

Day 3: Creating Videos For YouTube

This is where most people really get stuck. What kind of videos do I create? What topics do I create videos on? And a hundred other questions on creating videos.

Today we're going to talk about what you should be creating for many different strategies you may have in your business. YES! You need different types of videos for different types of marketing strategies.

I'll also be showing you the tools I use, talking about setting up for recording on camera and screen-cam videos, and so much more.

Basically today is all about giving you all the know-how you need to create the perfect videos for your YouTube channel.

Day 4: YouTube Video Ranking How To

For most of your efforts on YouTube you want to get your videos to rank at the top of the algorithm when people do searches on YouTube. I'm devoting this entire day to showing you my entire YouTube optimization methods so you can get your videos ranking for keywords you want them to rank for.

If you're videos aren't being found in search then you're never going to see much traffic from YouTube at all. FACT!

By the time you leave today's class you'll know what to do every single time you upload a video to YouTube to get it ranking at the top of the results.

Day 5: The YouTube Traffic Takeover Wrap Up!

At this point you will be armed with all the knowledge you need to start taking over YouTube and sucking all the traffic you can from it, but there's more.

Today we will be creating a plan together so you can stay focused and consistently publish videos and get traffic from them. We will also be talking about video marketing tactics on YouTube that are beyond just ranking videos on YouTube. There are many other traffic tactics you can deploy to get even more traffic from YouTube.

After today you will walk away from this workshop with a complete plan to totally take over YouTube and use it as a 24/7 traffic stream to anything you and everything you want.

Plus Amazing Bonus

How To Get 1 Million Subscribers!

Watch the bonus video course to find out how.

Hurry while you can still get the bonus course!

Youtube training plus bonus to get 1 million subscribers
