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Sherpa EPAS1 gene / SUPERFIELD

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Sherpa EPAS1 gene, is a rare gentic mutiation which provides instructions for making a protein called hypoxia-inducible factor 2-alpha, resulting in increased body's ability to adapt to changing oxygen levels and allow mitochondria to use oxygen alot more efficiently. This field will also lower levels of fat oxidation. Another benefit of this field is that it will increase your lung’s capacity while simultaneously detoxing them.
Listening to this field daily will enormously increase your stamina. You will notice you can run much faster and run longer distations without even being exhausted. 
You will get a MP3 (10MB) file

Customer Reviews

Barbara Käser

Verified Buyer

10 months ago

Sherpa EPAS1 gene / Superfield

I love listening to it - very calming and healing!