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The Country Curves Collection

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Introducing the biggest bundle that Bobo's ever offered so far!

Collecting three stories based in or around the American South, The Country Curves Collection contains some of my favorite personal projects that I've ever gotten to write! And for fixin's (because you know we like to feed you down South!) I've loaded up the plate with an extra 1500 words of short stories from write nights that fit thematically with your entrees today!

Altogether, (with an illustration by the illustrious Mx-Fa to boot!) it amounts to over 20,000 words and runs at 40 pages of country-fried content designed to get you hot and bothered in the way that only southern stories can!

From Cheer to Beer (BBW/XWG/Redneckification):

Catch up with your old friend Hanna as she regales you in the story of her friend Taylor.

Hanna’s fellow former squad-mate has always been something of a spoiled wild card. Straight out of high school, Taylor moves in with her boyfriend Justin - not because she really wanted to, but because it was either commit to going to college, get a job, or find a new place to live that wasn't with her parents.

Plus, Justin's brother is old enough to buy beer.

Taylor and her friends spent that whole first summer drunk as hell. After all, it's their "last" Summer before college or getting a job or just... y'know, life hits them. Hanna et al sew their wild oats, have nasty hangovers, and basically spend their "last" Summer acting like hoodlums and having fun. It's a great time, would make for a killer Indie movie.

But eventually, the summer ends and life goes on... for everyone except Taylor.

Justin's brother got him a job at the Plant, where between the two of them they make plenty of money. Taylor doesn't really have to work, and she really doesn't want to. Besides, Justin's one of those "my daddy told me women stay in the kitchen" sort of guys, so he's fine with the idea of having a housewife who stays at home and cooks and cleans.

Taylor's not very good and cooking or cleaning. But she's really good at piddling, scrolling on her phone, and (perhaps most importantly) drinking.

While everyone else in their friend group went off to actually do stuff, Taylor just... never did. She's still kind of stuck at exactly where she was after high school. Even as everyone else around grew and changed throughout college or jobs or moving or mission trips or whatever, Taylor just kind of stays right where they left her in that "last" summer…

Though that’s not to say that she didn’t grow or change in her own right.

Listen on as Hanna regales you in how Taylor regresses over the years from a person from a relatively well-to-do family into a beer-swilling, couch-bending wad of white trash!

~12,000 words!

Fat Pants:

Maryanne used to be fat.

As such, any pants that would fit her when she was fat would be... well, fat pants. Right?

Surely having a really comfy pair of pants that could stretch and had a lot of give in the belly couldn't lead someone else down the path of...

Needing to wear Fat Pants. Right?

~3000 words!

Becca the Babysitter:

A story about the narrator's front-row seat to Becca the Babysitter's outward expansion, both throughout and beyond his adolescence. 

Watch as the Older Woman becomes the Bigger Woman, blimping out steadily as she works in the Rich Neighborhood across town...

~4000 words!

Get it hot, and get it fresh here for $5.00!

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