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Serbian Food Cyrillic Alphabet Worksheets - Učimo da pisemo

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Serbian Cyrillic Alphabet – Food Vocabulary is designed for struggling learners, speech therapy, special education, 1st grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade and complete beginners;

1.  Missing beginning letters ( 9 worksheets )

      - Students look at the pictures and fill in the missing letter

2. Word and picture matching worksheets ( 6 worksheets )

      _ Students read match the words with correct pictures

3. Spelling worksheets ( 7 worksheets )

      - Students read the word, highlight the correct picture and trace

         the word

4. Trace the vowels ( 3 worksheets )

      - Students look at the picture, trace the vowels and complete the


5. Trace the consonants ( 6 worksheets )

      - Students trace the consonants , cut and paste the pictures in the

         correct spot  
6.  Missing vowels ( 3 worksheets )

      - Students look at the pictures and fill in the missing vowels

7. Spelling hexagons ( 4 worksheets )

      - Students fill in the missing letters and color the corrects pictures

8. Spelling hexagon 2 ( 4 worksheets )

      - Students look at the picture number and fill in the missing letters

9. Building words ( 4 worksheets )

      - Students color the correct letters , build words and color the

         right picture

10. Spelling puzzles ( 3 worksheets )

      - Students look at the picture, find the words and check the correct


11. Spelling stairs ( 8 worksheets )

      - Students look at the picture and write the words on the stairs

12. Words unscramble ( 4 worksheets )

      - Students unscramble the words and highlight the right picture

13. Beginning letter cut and paste ( 4 worksheets )

      - Students cut and paste the letter on the correct picture and

         highlight the rest of the word
14.  Circle the word ( 2 worksheets )

      - Students look at the pictures and circle the correct word

15. Highlight the syllables ( two syllable words ) ( 2 worksheets)

      - Students look at the picture, label it and highlight the correct


16. Highlight the syllables ( three-syllable words) ( 1 worksheet )

      - Students look at the picture, label it and highlight the correct


17. Missing syllables ( two syllable words ) ( 2 worksheets )

    - Students look at the picture and write the missing syllables on the


18. Missing syllables ( three- syllable words ) ( 3 worksheets )

      - Students look at the picture and write the missing syllables on the

19. Missing letter multiple choice ( 3 worksheets )

      - Students fill in the missing letter and circle the correct picture

20. Three in a row ( 4 worksheets )

      - Students connect three same words in a row and highlight the

         correct picture

21. Word search puzzles ( 6 worksheets )

22. Building words ( 3 worksheets )

      - Students cut and paste the letters in the correct spots and

         build words

23. Highlight the pairs ( 2 worksheets )

      - Students highlight the correct picture-word pairs
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