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                   DIGITAL KINGDOM 

An introduction to DI, the largest, wealthiest, most powerful industry in the world
[Notebook one of three in the WINNING DI series]

  • eBook length: 570+ pages
  • eBook file format: PDF

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    Second to none, the digital industry (DI), the world's largest, wealthiest, and most influential industry, is the kingpin of greater industry.

Not to be confused with the information and communication technology (ICT), or the information technology (IT) industries, DI is much larger in scale and scope, enveloping both ICT and IT as subsets, not to mention eight other prominent digital sectors. In the broadest sense, DI encompasses everything digital and its influence extends not only to greater industry but throughout the global socioeconomic system. DI has been called the operating system of the world

Tech investors, technology company executives and managers, tech laborers, techies, essentially anyone who has a vested, keen interest in tech will want to read Digital Kingdom.

Digital Kingdom, the first of three notebooks in the Winning DI Trilogy, formed the basis of study and analysis for the second notebook, Kingpin. Those wishing to better understand the origin and contents of Kingpin, and the OML5 service upon which Kingpin is based, necessarily will want to read Digital Kingdom.

In addition, anyone interested in gaining greater insight into the Mundus Solution will necessarily be very interested in Digital Kingdom as numerous ideas and concepts contained in the contents markedly influenced the development of the Mundus Solution. For instance, studying the centralizing nature and effects of convergence on the greater technology system led to the development of a hybrid, decentralized/ centralized sociopolitical system structure in the Mundus Solution. Although both attributes were applied in the design of the Mundus model, the quality of decentralization (separation, division, individualism) was afforded a definitive, though not dominating, edge over the quality centralization (convergence, unification, collectivism). ​

Though this work was essentially complete in 2011, and some of the information is now dated, the book’s premise that technology is converging (technological fusion) and that the digital industry, the brain of greater industry, is at the center of this convergence is as solid today as when it was conceived, if not more so. Also, by extension of the previously stated principle, the theory that the corporation that leads DI will lead greater industry and become the world’s wealthiest and most powerful company is well-supported. This work stands strong against the test of time continuing to offer abundant value.

Digital Kingdom is formatted principally as a notebook, that is, it gathers the author's notes which have been organized into six chapters.

                     ~ Contents ~

* Preface
* List of Diagrams
* Introduction to the Quest


1. Defining the Digital Industry and
Multi-Spectrum Convergence

2. The Evolution of DI - A Concise Historical,
Chronological Time Line of the Digital Era
(and [Digital] Convergence)

3. DI, A Behemoth Industry

4. The Major Forces

5. DI Industry Analysis – Primary Business
Activities, Big Players, Winners and Losers


6. Key Concepts and Technologies of DI
(A categorical glossary - approx. 130 pgs)

* Introduction to KINGPIN


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