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Articulating Your Purpose. Leadership Coaching PRACTICE

Strengthen your heart-leadership muscles by exploring 7+1 powerful questions to connect with and articulate your purpose.  

This PDF document contains a unique executive coaching practice that supports you in exploring your purpose. Your purpose is the underlying reason that gives meaning to your life, projects, and organization. 

  • Clarifying your purpose would help you to best keep your true north, this is the direction of your efforts and actions to make a meaningful impact in the world. 

  • Knowing your purpose, being able to articulate it, and remembering it will support you in activating discretionary energy in front of the inevitable challenges and setbacks in your personal life, professional, or organizational journey. 

  • Taking the time to articulate your purpose will support you in prioritization, decision-making, and recognizing strategic opportunities. 

This heart-based leadership and executive coaching practice has been compiled by Humanist, Executive Coach, and Heart-based Leadership Expert Marie Reig Florensa based on academic and scientific research and practitioner's insight.

By the end of the practice, you will not only have reflected on your purpose but also taken meaningful and insightful steps to articulate it. Additionally, you will have identified and gained awareness of the key elements that build a strong, resonant purpose and shape your legacy.

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