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Monograph: What Is Your Spiritual Legacy?

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(What is a monograph you may be asking. The definition is the third paragraph below but basically it is a single topic piece of writing.)

Have you ever considered what legacy you are leaving behind? Not only the gifts you offer the world in the form of how you raised your children and grandchildren to be good and balanced adults. And not even the gifts of what you offer the world from your work or business, and no, not even that of how you cared for your home or yourself.

What type of legacy are you leaving behnd, spiritually? What vibrational impact have you made and engraved upon those in and around your life? Have you considered that you are powerful beyond measure and influence that and those which and whom you are not aware of? In what ways have you influenced things and other living beings? You can learn here from my monograph what it is to leave behind a spiritual legacy and how you can ensure yours is an honorable one resonating on a higher frequency.

***** (Monograph: is a noun *****
A scholarly piece of writing of essay or book length on a specific, often limited subject.
An account or description of a single thing or class of things; a treatise on a single subject or a single department, division, or detail of a branch of study.
A written account or description of a single thing, or class of things; a special treatise on a particular subject of limited range.)
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