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The Tales of Taboo: The Scarecrow (A supernatural horror fiction eBook--Series 1)

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The Crow family and a group of psychos lived on a farm far from civilization. Farming and hunting were their way of life. Jack Crow was the head of his family. He was a sick and twisted bloodthirsty maniac. He loved the smell of blood in the mornings. Something horrible happened one day when Jack Crow murdered his relative in cold blood. His family was not pleased. They made an example out of him by ending his life but something strange happened. He came back from the dead to make sure the unclean pay for their sins.

Page count: 17 pages
Files available: PDF, Epub, Mobi
Author: Jsovirall
Age range: 18+
Category: Supernatural horror, survival fiction
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  • EPUB (145KB)
  • MOBI (350KB)
  • PDF (156KB)

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