Why does this Blueprint exist?
(2min read)
I have lived a unique life of my own.
I’ve had experiences many people can only dream of.
I’ve had my ups and downs like everyone else.
I always knew I was a little bit different because I always tend to think differently from others.
I always looked for ways to do things differently from the masses.
I’ve lived through different chapters in life from the life of a party student in my 20s, transforming it to a chapter of becoming a father.
I’ve lived abroad away from my family and friends.
I’ve had many longer and shorter relationships in my life. The most important ones have made me a father these days
I have many friends I appreciate having friendships with, yet I no longer have so much time to spend with them as we all have different chapters in life
I’ve coached tennis to CEOs. The ones I remember with a warm heart are Mobile Giant NOKIA’s former CEO and F-Secure Founder.
My personality has led me to places most people would be scared to be.
I’ve traveled around the world since I was a kid
I’ve jumped from the moving airplane all by myself without stressing about tomorrow.
I was scared to death while holding a live frag grenade in my hand at the army.
Because I make myself remembered wherever I go, I got a dream job where I could have worked another 10 years.
I have had everything in life I could ever wish for.
I am forever grateful to myself, my parents, my family, and the people who have been part of my life for everything.
I could tell you endless stories about my life but they won't be relevant to you now
Relevant is what happened next
I could have lived life the way most people live and started switching jobs and finding another interest for my career.
Then there became a time when I got laid off from my work due to challenging times.
I had 1 month of “free” time without a mandate to work
I had all the time in the world. I could have played Playstation the whole month, done my workouts every day like I normally do, and just chilled through this period
Instead, I decided to start learning things I had always wanted but “never had time”
You might have heard this before. Perhaps you are in this situation right now.
I have to tell you. That 1 month changed my life forever.
It led me to knowledge I wish someone had given me way earlier in my life.
I believe I’ve found another level in this life.
Later on, I realized this kind of knowledge is somehow being hidden in society. It is all out there but there are so many things surrounding our lives preventing us from finding it.
During those times I got pushed my back against the wall over health decisions which separated me away from my close relatives and some of my friends.
Those times were painful.
Those moments made me realize something.
I needed to take responsibility for my life. No one else is coming to do it for me other than myself.
This started my progress towards a never-ending life path I never thought existed
The final wake-up came when I found a "success mentor" whose teaching revealed the final secrets to me.
Today I feel like whatever happens to me in the future, I will be on top of the world and there will be no one stopping me from going forward.
Those were the last pieces missing from my life I believe
I had to find them myself.
I just needed my window
And a real push toward taking responsibility for my life
Now I feel obligated to share my framework based on my journey and findings with others.
To you!
The hardest part was knowing where to start
It took me years of my time and thousands of dollars spent.
I knew I had to create my framework, the Pathfinder Framework.
It is all in there. Packed in complete Blueprint.
I strongly believe this information will lead you to a wonderful life path you never even knew could exist.
I never knew it existed before.
We all come from different environments.
Why I shared my story with you is, because a person with a very decent life will be as stuck in life as the one who struggles daily with a different environment.
The biggest struggle I faced was to know where to start.
This is why Pathfinder had to be born
How is it different from other Blueprints and guides?
I have gathered my most important experiences and knowledge from my life to help you get yourself going towards your path!
This is the framework of my stories and life experiences which took me 30 years to find. A big portion of those findings have come from the past 3 years.
I believe this Blueprint is for people who feel stuck in life and will give them the opportunity and knowledge to move forward in life
This is for people like me who already have decent lives which have become too predictable as well as for people who are facing daily challenges and struggles more than others do.
I truly think I have mastered some parts of my life already and I will keep getting better at those no matter what while moving closer to my dreams
1/ Relationships - ✓
2/ Health - ✓
3/ Wealth - X
It will be my duty to share my learnings to others
You will realize what limitations are holding you back.
They were holding me back as well.
This blueprint is your starting key and you will be free to fly towards anything.
The only thing you need to do is to put in a little bit of effort from your side.
Nothing will happen overnight.
I have huge trust in you for already being here reading this!
I won’t teach you how to make 1 million. With this information, I guarantee you will make one if you want to.
I can’t get you fit in 30 Days but there is all the information you need to get started and become a jacked individual like me if you want to.
I can't give you the perfect framework for fulfilling relationships or dating advice. I strongly think with this information you will know what type of relationships you will need in your life journey.
All this knowledge I wished someone would have handed to me.
How can I be sure it will work for me?
If you are willing to put a little effort into yourself, you have wonderful chances to succeed
It won’t work for people who are looking for quick fixes.
When was the last time you committed yourself to something for 30 days straight?
Most people struggle to even commit videos for more than 3 seconds. This is who you play against.
You have nothing to lose.
With all this information in my framework, you will be deciding how your life will continue afterward.
Some people lose interest in themselves and their dreams.
If a normal guy like me was able to take matters into his own hands, everyone could.
I hope you can be the next person to do so.
I know from my experience this is everything you need to know to free yourself from limitations in life and unstuck yourself to a never-ending path towards your destination.
If you have tried other self-growth courses before, this will be the one truly walked through by real people.
This is how I live my life on day-to-day basis
This information is all you need to lead yourself further.
It’s all in there.
With so little effort.
Welcome to my lifestyle!