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Diamond activator

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The Diamond Activator 

Align to the universal laws of wealth and opportunity 

You have big dreams and desire to align with the universal laws that will make them come true. You are a powerful soul with endless access to divine wealth and opportunity. 

This is your rite of passage.

You are here to raise the consciousness of the planet.

When you create a deep understanding of the energetics of wealth it flows to you, liberating you to create from your soul.

This 28 day intensive will realign you to the energetics of the flow of universal wealth. 

Our journey will traverse the terrain of intuition, trust, opportunity, mindset, magic and becoming unlimited in your capacity to create and hold wealth.

Trust nudges intuition 

When you allow yourself to be guided by your intuition the ability to align with opportunities and wealth become super powers. This is where you are led instead of grasping to find ways to earn. 

Jump don’t think no hesitation 

You have the ability to shift from thinking your way through things. When you understand this way of magnetizing opportunities and wealth you quicken the pace at which these things come to you. Changing your frequency. Move fast on opportunities that are aligned

Look for opportunities

Actively being open to opportunities with an open mind free of judgment. This creates the space for new opportunities to show up for you. When the mind is free from limited thinking and visual impairments it facilitates creative solutions.

Don't look for evidence to be wrong look for what is right

Shifting your focus from actively seeking for the negative to be right seals the magic. It opens the portal of possibilities to be unlimited. In truth you want positive and always have. The world conditioning has taught you, molded you to seek negative. The fact is both exist side by side. 

Things can show up like magic out of thin air

When you have trust in the power of the universe it shows up in your life as literal magic. This is the universe and your soul gets to create unexpected gifts to show up. Think about miracle stuff. Gifts money upgrades and opportunities that make other people wonder what you have that others don't. I know it sounds funny its modern magic

Play full out

Your soul came here to explore the limits of what is possible. Actually the universe wants to show off. It likes light hearted play. Remember when you would daydream like a child nothing was off limits. That playful fun free spirited expression.

Take chances risks

You have been taught your whole life to be cautious and not take risks. This was built on the old paradigm. The powerfulness of your soul knows that risk set you free of limited thinking. 

Don't put limits on what you are capable of

What is possible if you had no limits on money or opportunities? You were never meant to experience life this way. 

Think bigger picture always

This activates the timeline of the self you were meant to be. All the intentions, dreams and goals should be behind every action decision and step you take. Always choosing in alignment with the biggest vision.

Money is just energy that can move from one place to another and is not fixed based on any one thing. The vibration of money is not built on worthiness or your own energy. It is its own magic frequency.

God wants us to do more be more. 

Be generous with money and your time

This is meant to be serving from overflow not from depletion. These steps are taken only from the place discernment. 

Be there for people, it's not all about you. Understanding the depth of service not from ego. From the place of 

Do what you say you will do be accountable

Dont judge others

Leverage money 

Let money work for you 

Invest save and spend like you have unlimited funds

Be proud but humble Own your powerful soul 

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