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Secrets of Successful Candle Making

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They say confession is good for the soul. I'm not sure that's true, but I do have a confession to make:  I am not a naturally born craft aficionado.

 In fact, for most of my teen and adult life, I resisted any activity that had the word "craft" attached to it. I don't knit.  I don't crochet.  Let's face, I try really hard not even to cook.  (Only when my back is up against the wall.)

 I caved in once with the craft activity.  I got talked into trying my hand at "stamping."  You know what I'm talking about.  Those stamp pads with the cute designs, stamp some ink on them, then create fabulous cards, letterhead and who knows what else.

 The woman I was with created stunning pieces of stationery.  Mine looked like a first grader did it!

Why do I tell you all of this?  Because I am now a "dyed in the wool" official proponent of making candles.  I can't believe how beautiful my projects turn out.  My candles are so nice, in fact, that I have my own creations in just about every room of my house.

Not only that, but I've been presenting them as gifts to family and friends for the last several years -- birthdays, Christmas, Easter.  No matter what the holiday, I have a candle for it.  Geez, sometimes I give a candle just as an "I've-been-thinking-about-you" gift.

And people really appreciate them. That bolsters my self-esteem.  And in fact, I've even started to sell them to various outlets -- with more success than I thought I would have.

There's really a point to all of this explanation.  Even if you don't think that you're the "crafty" person, you may discover that candles bring out the inner craftsperson in you.  It certainly did in me.

Even if you've shunned -- or more appropriately failed -- at every other craft, you'll find that candle making is unlike any other craft you've ever done.

 For one thing, you really don't need to have any inner type of talent.  Let's face it if I can be successful at making candles anyone can!

If you're thinking of starting this quite fascinating hobby, then, by all means, do. Don't let past failures at craft projects hold you back. Don't let a lack of "craft knowledge" place any type of doubt in your mind.

 Candle making is, without a doubt, the most fun you'll ever have creating anything.  By the time you've completed your first candle, your wax won't be the only thing that will be melted.

 Your heart will melt as well because you'd have fallen in love with this easy activity.   But you'll also love this activity because it won't send your checking account plummeting into double-digit deficits.

 You can easily start your hobby on items you probably already have around the house already.

Here's what you'll discover in eBook:

  • How to pick the right kind of wax with these 3 simple techniques...
  • 3 little known, yet simple ways to uses wicks ...
  • Secrets from expert candle makers that few people ever know about...
  • 3 proven steps to prime your wicks...
  • 2 simple keys (that are right in front of your eyes) to make scented candles...
  • WARNING:  3 things you should never do when it comes to making candles...
  • You'll discover in just a few short minutes how to create different kinds of candles like pillar, votive, taper, tealight and more...
  • 6 time tested and proven strategies for making different kinds of candles...
  • When to use different kinds of wax...
  • 7 every day but often overlooked tips and tricks for selling your candles...
  • A pennies on the dollar approach to giving special and unique candle gifts...
  • How often to change the look of your candles...
  • How to avoid problems with your candles...
  • The once famous but forgotten secret that instantly allows you to use different kinds of molds...
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