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One of the best ways to change what you do is to change the way you think and understand what you do.

This is also valid for yoga.

YOGA FOR ADULTS brings more than 200 pages with a total of 310 aphorisms on various aspects of yoga, from theory to practice, from tradition to modernity, from the difficulties of the beginner to the concerns of the experienced teacher.

Each of the 310 aphorisms condenses reflections developed over more than 10 years of study and practice.

YOGA FOR ADULTS will change your way of thinking and understanding yoga.


1. I don't know anything about yoga and I want to start practicing. Will YOGA FOR ADULTS help me?


What YOGA FOR ADULTS offers for beginners is more important than technical descriptions and photos of postures. What you will find in this book is the knowledge that leads to a real and deep understanding of what yoga is about.

2. So YOGA FOR ADULTS is a book for beginners?


In 310 aphorisms there is material for people of different levels in yoga. Writing for beginners only is the same as saying: «Study and learn, but don't go too far, don't look beyond. Stay right where you started.»

I don't want that for you.

My sincere wish with this book is that you go far beyond what I say in these 310 aphorisms.

In some aphorisms I bring the knowledge that can sometimes be difficult for beginners. But, as we see in some sacred texts, the 310 aphorisms form a fabric — heterogeneous but continuous. So don't be surprised if a doubt that arises when reading a certain aphorism is clarified a few pages later, in another aphorism.

3. I am a yoga teacher and I have a lot of experience with yoga. I have a feeling that YOGA FOR ADULTS is a pretty basic book and that I'm going to waste my time.

If you are a teacher, you already know that the most important thing in yoga is the practice of meditation. The second most important thing in yoga is having a guru.

If you already have those two things, you don't need this book. But back to the real world...

If you don't have a guru, if your meditation practice isn't great and if in your training you learned more about alignment, vinyasa and props than about somaatmaka ojas, kayasthairyam and meditation itself, then YOGA FOR ADULTS will help you to organize some ideas in your daily life and work in yoga.

In addition, there are a total of 30 aphorisms about professional aspects, which can be uncomfortable for some teachers and inspiring for others, the choice is yours.

Title: YOGA FOR ADULTS: 300+ aphorisms about the past, present and future of yoga.

Author: Christian Rocha

Publisher: Temple of Yoga

Pages: 237

Format: digital / PDF

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