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Astral Warrior: An Autobiography PDF

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What started out as sleep paralysis at the age of 8 soon evolved into a series of experiments in consciousness exploration through dreams based on the philosophies of Rene Descartes. By the time Magus had reached 15 he had become so proficient at lucid dreaming that he could not only
remain conscious through the transition into the sleeping state, but also create his own dreams entirely from scratch. At 22, Magus’ experiments reached their peak when he was able to break through the barriers of the sleeping world and make contact with a group of Cosmic Elders who existed in the non-physical planes, all whilst completely conscious and aware of his sleeping body back on Earth.
These Masters ordained Magus as a Master Lucid Dreamer and told him that it was because of abilitieshe had cultivated after over a decades’ worth of experiments in peeling his consciousness away from his physical body that they were able to finally contact him; their message was that humanity was suffering from a state of spiritual amnesia which was responsible for its destructive habits towards its home planet that would have dire consequences for our species if left unchecked. These Masters nick named Magus “Trick and Trip” for these abilities, and would remain in contact with him over a 7 year period, revealing more and more  information to him about this amnesia that they wanted relayed back to people on Earth.
It was because of this information that Magus would ultimately come to  be initiated into yet another group based solely in the astral planes  – the Unseen 5 – that would provide the connection of how this spiritual
amnesia was tied into the extra-terrestrial presence on Earth. Magus would eventually find confirmation in the form of an Ex Majestic Agent, a world renowned investigator of UFO and Alien related activity, an Interview with the Alien entity retrieved from the 1947 Roswell crash and a source with a direct connection to the Antarctica Projects. Follow the story of Magus’ paranormal filled  life, as he explores other worlds through lucidity, remote viewing through the eyes of off world intelligences, juggles the enormity of the Elders’ message and things revealed to him by the Unseen 5  all whilst battling with what he saw as a dark occult force that would test his very limits and almost get him executed.
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