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A Very Crowded House

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A story about love in all its forms and the wonderful, devastating, life-altering things done in its name. 

A catastrophe forces Jocelyn Durand, the author of a decades-old and quite accidental publishing one-hit-wonder, to meet her idol, best-selling suspense writer Asher Cray. Each harbors a literary crush on the other, but if gossip rags are to be believed, Asher is a philandering charmer and more than the naïve Jocelyn could ever hope to handle. Still, while social media has labeled him a notorious Lothario, they might have the story all wrong. Regardless, those rumors are the least of Asher’s worries compared to the horrific case of writer’s block hounding him.

Sparks fly between the two would-be wordsmiths but uprooted nightmarish memories and a revolving door of uninvited visitors create plot twists no one sees coming, threatening the pairs’ less-than-storybook romance and upending the Durand siblings’ long-held beliefs. Happily-ever-after means the insulated Jocelyn and her stalwart sister must confront a wiped-away past, recognizing monsters come in unexpected forms, and maybe they aren’t all bad—a daunting task one wickedly hot Hamptons summer in a very crowded house when everyone’s personal histories blur the lines between fact and fiction.

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Rita Book

Verified Buyer

2 months ago

Something sinister…

From the jump I thought something was off and boy, was it. Kept me up to get to the end and I kinda liked it left some questions unanswered.