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8oz Wildcrafted Irish Moss Seamoss St Lucia

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Our latest introduction to Wildcrafted and Ocean Grown Irish Sea Moss. Sea moss serves as a prebiotic for your gut, which allows good bacteria to thrive. It’s also full of fiber, which promotes a healthy colon and digestive system, while removing harmful bacteria. Sea moss may also promote weight loss and improved metabolism. 

This product is packed full
of essential minerals and nutrients, such as:
Vitamins B12 & B2
Vitamin C

It also possesses anti-bacterial, anti-viral, and anti-inflammatory properties that may make it a healthy addition to your life.

Sea Moss is popular for its many health benefits, which include:

Thyroid support in cases of low iodine levels. 
Improvement of mental function. 
Collagen for bones and tissues
Prevention of nasal congestion.
Helps Boost Immune System
Helps Clear mucus
Support for chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases such as bronchitis.
Sea moss also possesses antiviral properties that aid in fighting respiratory infections such as sore throats
Sea moss may also work as a mild laxative, making it effective in soothing gut inflammation and promoting the elimination of waste. Sea Moss Gel is great in tea & other hot/cold beverages, smoothies, food, or alone! Get creative - as long as you consume daily! On top of that, it may contain protein, vitamin B, beta carotene, sulfur, pectin, and vitamin C. 

It also helps to tighten the skin and minimize pores while adding minerals when used as a face mask.