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Cacao Medicine Guide

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Get Your Complimentary Cacao Medicine Guide!

Cacao has been used for centuries in a ceremonial context as a heart opening medicine and to enliven the mind and spirit.

Most of us are consumed by this go, go, go culture.

We use stimulants to keep up. Coffee, as comforting as it can be, leaves us feeling drained due to the caffeine crash and is highly acid-forming. Coffee has a pH of 1.2 which can dissolve a nail! 

Spiritual growth is never easy and requires much inner work and Self awareness. 

Cacao supported me over the past few years, especially during the very challenging time we all experienced as the global pandemic. Because of its incredible heart opening abilities, one may feel held and nourished by this incredible Superfood!

In this guide you will receive a short background on Cacao, its benefits and a beautiful, heart warming hot cacao recipe!

~My experience was enlivening and I felt more Vitality after consuming the medicine! Anita Ha

~This Cacao recipe is delicious and I love the idea to incorporate medicinal mushrooms! Nelly Armer

~Best tasting Cacao Medicine recipe I've ever tried! Jasmine Lee

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