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Some facts from Sanatan Dharma and my logic

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This book is about some facts from Sanatana Dharma. Sanatan means having no  beginning and end.It is present from time immorable.It is the oldest religion of the universe.Sanatan Dharma is the original name of what is now popularly called Hinduism or Hindu Dharma. The terms Hindu and Hinduism are said to be a more recent development, while the more accurate term is Sanatana Dharma. It is a code of ethics, a way of living through which one may achieve moksha (enlightenment, liberation). It is the world's most ancient culture and the socio,science,mathematics,astronomy, spiritual etc., and religious tradition of almost one billion of the earth's inhabitants. Sanatana Dharma represents much more than just a religion; rather, it provides its followers with an entire worldview, way of life and with a coherent and rational view of reality. Its knowledge is so vast and subtle that many births are less to understand it fully with the human mind.Only the almighty creator can understand it fully..
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