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Quan Yin 417 Hz - Starseed Meditation Music

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Quan Yin 417 Hz Unconditional Love & Compassion to Heal the Emotional Body Pleiadian Music Lightcode for Starseeds and Starseed Activation and Awakening. Quan Yin is an Ascended Master and is a Master of the pink ray of Unconditional Love, the 3rd ray of incarnation. She is the beloved Goddess of Forgiveness & Compassion. Her energy is always gentle and loving. Her name means: She who sees & hears all Prayers and Cries of the World. Listen on our Bandcamp.


Quan Yin is a great healer and works mainly to heal the Emotional Body. She will help you to let go of your emotional baggage. Her energies are a gate to the paradise world, the “Pure Land” of Fullness of Being. With flowing abundance of your Divine Being.


Quan Yin is represented by symbols that are associated with strength, forgiveness, compassion, and empathy. These are: the number 33, the Carp, the Swan, the Lotus, the Hexagon and the Pearl.


Sanskrit Mantra of Quan Yin is "Om Mani Padme Hum". By contemplating & meditating on this phrase, you will be connected to the Divine parts of your multidimensionality. “Om Mani Padme Hum” energizes the Sacred heart and the union of the Higher heart and Lower heart.


More info in our BLOG: What is TRUE Sound Healing? and the meaning of Solfeggio frequencies.


This album includes:

+ Quan Yin 417 Hz (Original Mix) 11 minutes

+ Quan Yin 417 Hz (Deep Meditation Mix) 11 minutes

+ Quan Yin 417 Hz (Radio Edit) 4 minutes

All in Best 100% quality of Sound & Solfeggio frequencies in WAV download. Also great for listening offline and making your own playlist. Streaming & mp3 is just 50 - 65% quality due to compression of audio.


Hi, we are Monica & Markus, we love to Empower Starseeds. Starseed Meditation Music & Lightcode Activation for Starseeds & Starseed Activation. Galactic Solfeggio Meditation Music & Lightcode Activation = a synergy with Pleiadian Music & Starseed Lightcodes. For Starseeds & Starseed Awakening for maintaining balance & harmony on your Spiritual Journey, raising & clearing your Vibrational Frequency.


We provide Starseed Updates with Spiritual Music, Healing Frequency Music & Solfeggio Frequencies for the Starseed Collective to assist with Ascension Symptoms during Spiritual Awakening.


Portal Activation for Starseeds & Lightworkers with Starseed Meditation Music & Lightcode Activation & Light Codes. Support by Galactic Federation of Light.


© Music channeled & composed by Pleiadian Music = Monica van der Lem

© Lightcode Activations channeled & designed by Starseed Lightcodes = Markus van der Westhuizen

© Pleiadian Quantum Productions - all rights reserved


Love & Light with Blessings & Appreciation from us, Monica & Markus



#pleiadianmusic #starseedlightcodes


Please Note: Payments are not refundable. Not for commercial use, for private use only. If you are interested in a commercial license Licensing Pleiadian Music for Commercial Use & Commercial Music Composition



Pleiadian Music / Monica van der Lem / Markus van der Westhuizen cannot guarantee any specific results or outcome.

You will get the following files:
  • WAV (114MB)
  • WAV (106MB)
  • WAV (41MB)