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The Hamburger 3D Theory!

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The 3D Hamburger Question!

As Growing Evidence of all we see around us not being what we think, stacking up higher and higher. After our beginning Big Bang there was and is radiation, in the form of cosmic microwave background. If our existence as we know it just happens to be a hologram of some sort, the vast amount of information that makes this up for us humans through our five senses is perceived as being in three dimensions. This information must be stored or comes from a two dimensional starting point.

A hologram of a hamburger comes from or is projected from a two dimensional starting point. If this hamburger had feelings and spatial awareness, the hamburger would be convinced of the ‘perceived reality’ of the intended hamburger as being real. Us as humans know better though, as we were the ones who built the hamburger hologram and we as humans know that the hamburger doesn’t really exist. Apply this to our own three dimensional universe originating from a two dimensional starting point that we cannot nearly comprehend. Tangible elements of this universe all around us that we can touch and perceive to be ‘real’ being in fact a hologram, a comfortable hologram we don’t question.

The Food Chain Of Simulation And Where Do We Stand?

The possibilities are endless of large human-like self-aware races having the nature and the capabilities to create a simulation for and of themselves. All this leading to the reality of simulations within other simulations and so on. This suggesting that there are very high chances that our universe is in fact one of the many simulations within simulations and so on…

The probability of whether we are living in an advanced computer simulation is a very old one, going back a long way in philosophy. The very probability of reality and what is reality. If we have the mental capabilities to ask these question over and over throughout history, then what is to say that we do not have the capabilities to dissemble portions of our perceived reality and start building our own convoluted one? This intriguing notion and the notion of what is the nature of the simulation, a truthful lie or a deceitful lie? Are we designed to go down this rabbit hole? A computer simulation’s inhabitant thinks, therefore the computer simulation’s inhabitant must be. This doesn’t prove self-awareness or other simulation theories, but does simply prove existence is real, but what kind of existence?

A natural human existence, or a designed existence with a veil over our consciousness? If we have such thoughts and philosophical questions about life, then we certainly do exist somewhere, in some shape or form or thought. The builders of our reality surely didn’t build this reality to fool us, reality may just be too astronomical to fathom that our consciousness fools itself, just as we dream for all kinds of reasons. Not for trickery in itself, but for realignment of the psyche and survival. Examining the reality possibly that we are inhabiting an extremely sophisticated simulation, one that is so rich in its spectrum of constants that’ll keep its inhabitants busy for quite a while. A sophisticated enough simulation that us as inhabitants will one day learn the technology ourselves and be the builders of other worlds and universes. We must be scientific and mature enough to realise the probabilities.

It would be comically conceited of us to claim that we are the original, or even a simulation of the original, but more feasible – Far down the Food Chain of Successful Universes, but not necessarily a bad thing?

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