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The Bible GPS Guide Book

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This Guidebook will provide you with additional information and it will also help you to fill in the blank spaces. Note that the missing words in the course material are in bold in the Guidebook. 

The price of the PDF Book includes access to all the video material. Visit or

The Bible GPS is a 10 Week Discipleship course that will help you to meet God through a better understanding of the Bible. You will embark on a 70-day journey through the Bible with its different genres. The book contains daily devotions, study material and material for group discussions.

The BIBLE GPS is specifically designed to implement small multiplying discipleship units, called triads or quads. A Triad or Quad is a group of three or four individuals, who covenant to meet weekly, build intentional relationships with one another, and challenge one another to become more passionate and fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ.

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