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Unleash The Power of Creative Agility in 21 Weeks

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What is Creative Agility? 

Creative Agility is the ability to rapidly generate ideas and solutions to adapt to the changing environment around us.

Failure is a great learning tool. Unfortunately, some of us are so averse to the concept of failing that we often go with the tried and true method, refusing to even make an attempt. 

Have you ever noticed a young kid with "fear of failure"?

It is quite rare. Children are blessed with an unstoppable curiosity about new things which drives them to try everything... try eating it, try throwing it, try talking to it!

Wait, does that mean we as adults can have that same courage, boldness, curiosity, creativity and agility? 

Sure! If you did it once, you can adopt that Creative Agility mindset again!

Get ready to unleash your Creative Agility!
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