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Bass Fishing 101 - How To Catch The Next Big One

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Whatever the reason you had for picking up these pages, to learn more about fishing, and game fishing, specifically with an all-time angling favorite embedded in the aptly titled: Bass Fishing, 101: How To Catch The Next Big One, you are sure to find a quenching reprieve. Still your thirst for knowledge and any bass fishing pursuit, challenge or battle, you will or might face in your lifetime, right here. There is something for everyone in this book!

 If your main interest, is improving your ability to catch Bass, increasing, (and maybe) even stacking the odds in your favor of succeeding time and again, every time, in this angling equation and any future expeditions you plan to undertake, then this book has something of value to offer you.

 When you are on the hunt for Bass, knowing the basics is like the lifeblood of your strategy, bringing your chances alive with every cast!

 ALSO, discover and develop YOUR OWN sportsman-like, angling style and character, while gradually building your appreciation and understanding of the great outdoors, as part of your fishing experience.

Here's Just a "Sneak-Peak" At What You'll Uncover With Bass Fishing 101

  • Greatly increase your odds at catching that big bass!
  •  Learn how to tell the difference between bass.
  •  Discover what to take into consideration for finding the right bass fishing hole!
  •  The major mistakes & secrets to bass fishing.
  •  Learn all the styles and specialty bass fishing techniques.
  •  How to determine the best lure to use to catch bass.
  •  The techniques the pros are using to reel in the big ones!
  •  How to determine the bass predictable behavior to catch them.
  •  Discover the best time of the day to catch a bass.
  •  How to know what rod & reel you should be using.
  •  Learn the angling techniques used to catch the big bass.
Plus... You'll Also Learn Things Like:

  • The techniques you need to use when fishing out of a boat.
  •  Learn the basics of the weights and sinkers you should be using.
  •  Discover the hype around the buzz baits for reeling in the big bass.
  •  Using Jigs successfully uncovered.
  •  Discover what water temperature is key when your fishing for bass.
  •  Plus much MUCH More!
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